Helping Families Ensure Their Children Enter School Ready to Learn

VPK Providers

Current VPK Providers | Become a VPK Provider

VPK Provider Information

FAST Progress Monitoring Information

Update to Progress Monitoring Testing Windows

The timeframe for the progress monitoring periods will be determined by the total number of instructional days for each classroom.

(PM1) For classrooms that have 83 or more instructional days, PM1 must be administered in the first 30 instructional days of the VPK class schedule beginning with the first VPK instructional day. For programs (including summer VPK) that have 82 or fewer instructional days, PM1 is the first 10 instructional days of the VPK class schedule beginning with the first VPK instructional day.

(PM2) Must be administered in the period of time in a VPK class schedule where at least 40% and no more than 60% of a classroom’s the instructional hours have been completed. This is the same for all programs. Both those with 83 or more instructional days and those with 82 or fewer instructional days.

(PM3) For programs that have 83 or more instructional days, PM3 must be administered in the last 30 instructional days of the VPK class schedule ending on the last VPK instructional day. For programs (including summer VPK) that have 82 or fewer instructional days, PM3 is the last 10 instructional days of the VPK class schedule ending on the last VPK instructional day.

InstructionalHoursfortheVPKProgramProgramGuidance520 August 2024

Test Administrator Agreement Forms

To be completed by VPK FAST administrators whose current REN-U training has not expired. If their training has expired, they will need to take the updated course within REN-U.

This became available May1, 2024 and will be an annual training.

REN-U annual training information (May 1, 2024)

See additional information about training

VPK FAST Progress Monitoring Testing Reminders May 2024


FAST/ Renaissance Resources and Support


VPK Progress Monitoring 102523

FAST Email 08152023

FAST Email and Instruction Attachment 07212023



Listed below are all the necessary policies and procedures. If you have any questions not addressed here (i.e. ECS VPK Provider Manual), please contact the Provider Services Contract Department at (904) 726-1500 ext. 7054

VPK Rates 24-25 Fiscal Year

VPK RATES 23-24 Fiscal Year


OEL VPK Policies

VPK Provider Advanced Payment Chart

Substitute Instructor form, tracking sheet & policy (updated 12-12-12)

Applying to be a VPK Provider

The VPK provider application process is done entirely online through the Provider Portal:

The above link will take you to the Provider Portal where you will need to have an account if you have not already registered for one.  If you have never offered VPK before, please notify (800) 238-3463 the department that you will be registering so we can be sure to look for your activation request.

You will need to first complete your center profile for the program year you want to offer VPK and submit it for activation.  Once your profile has been reviewed by ECS and activated, we can initiate the VPK APP and eventually the VPK contract.  The Provider Portal User Guide is a helpful tool to have saved to your desk top during the process of completing your profile and application.

As a VPK provider you are required to administer the VPK assessment.  Ordering and deadline information is below.

Florida’s Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) using Star Early Literacy

The Coordinated Screening and Progress Monitoring Program is the statewide, standardized program known as Florida’s Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) using Star Early Literacy implemented in all VPK programs as required by s. 1002.68, F.S., that is used to assess student achievement of the performance standards established in s. 1002.67(1)(a), F.S., in early literacy and mathematics.

VPK Programs will begin implementation of the FAST using Star Early Literacy beginning in the 2022-2023 VPK Program Year.

Click here for more information from the Division of Early Learning.

VPK Provider Contract with Attachments

OEL-VPK 20 (Statewide Provider Agreement)

 OEL-VPK 20PP (Attachment for Private Providers)

 OEL-VPK 20PS (Attachment for Public Schools)

OEL-VPK 20A (Amendment to Contract)

Miscellaneous Documents

Student Attendance & Parental Choice Certificate: Short Form or Long Form

VPK Payment Correction Request (updated 10-21-10)

VPK Child Termination Form

Director’s Tool Kit from OEL


VPK Program Assessment Requirement and Training Opportunities

VPK Training Update from DEL


Helpful Parent Materials

VPK Parent Handbook (updated 2017)

A Quality Checklist Childcare Center

A Quality Checklist Family Child Care Home

A Family Guide

It’s Ok to Play in VPK

Please check back periodically for updated forms and information.