Find a VPK School
Need help finding the right VPK program for your child? Start by reviewing child care quality indicators and VPK provider kindergarten readiness rates.
School Year Approved Providers
Use the links below, which are frequently updated as new providers are approved, to view school year approved VPK childcare providers by year. Approved providers have submitted all necessary paperwork and are ready for enrollment. If you do not see your VPK provider on the list, they are most likely in the process of getting approved.
If you have any questions about the VPK program or its approved providers, please reach out to one of our Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) specialists by calling 800-238-3463 ext.7055.
Summer Program Approved Providers
Use the links below to view summer program approved VPK childcare providers by year. Approved providers have submitted all necessary paperwork and are ready for enrollment. As providers apply and update their programs, the listings below are subject to change.
For information regarding kindergarten readiness rates, click here.
The Department of Children & Families (DCF) licensing is the state agency that regulates childcare in Florida. For more information on approved VPK providers and all licensed childcare programs, click here.
If you are interested in your child attending a certain provider that is not listed, we recommend speaking with the provider about if they plan on participating in VPK.