VPK Registration and Forms
See below for more information regarding VPK registration and the accompanying forms and required documentation. Please note, it is preferred that the parent/guardian with whom the child lives be the one to complete the necessary VPK paperwork.
How Do I Register My Child For VPK?
All VPK registration is done entirely online. Apply on the Statewide Family Portal by clicking the button below.
The Statewide Family Portal is used to apply for VPK. The how-to videos, available by accessing the link(s) below, were created by the Florida Office of Early Learning. As new guides and training videos are developed and made available, they will be added to this page for your convenience. If you need additional assistance with the new statewide Family Portal, please feel free to contact ECS4Kids at 904-726-1500, and ask for a Family Services Specialist.
VPK Family Application – For Families Video
Registration Dates
Typically, the state opens registration on January 1 for the next program year.
If your child was born between September 2, 2019, and September 1, 2020, they are eligible to
participate in either the 2024-2025 School Year Program (540 hours) or the 2025 Summer
Program (300 hours).
If your child was born between September 2, 2020, and September 1, 2021, they are eligible to
participate in either the 2025-2026 School Year Program (540 hours) or the 2026 Summer
Program (300 hours).
Please note, once your child has enrolled in kindergarten, they are no longer eligible to participate in the VPK program.
No computer, scanner, and/or smartphone? Call our Headquarters (Jacksonville) at 904-726-1500 and ask for a Family Services Specialist to schedule an appointment.
Required Forms of Documentation
What proof of age can I use?
We are allowed to accept the following as Date of Birth (DOB) documentation:
- An original or certified copy of the child’s birth record filed according to law with the appropriate public officer;
- An original or certified copy of the child’s certificate of baptism or other religious record of the child’s birth, accompanied by a notarized affidavit stating that the certificate is true and correct, sworn to or affirmed by the child’s parent;
- An insurance policy on the child’s life which has been in force for at least two years;
- A passport or certificate of the child’s arrival in the United States;
- An immunization record signed by a public health officer or licensed practicing physician; or
- A valid military dependent identification card or a federal or state government issued identification card.
- If no supporting documents listed in subparagraphs (1)(b)1.-6., above, are available, a coalition may accept a parent’s notarized affidavit of the child’s age accompanied by a letter on official letterhead signed by a public health officer or physician stating that the child’s age shown in the affidavit is true and correct.
What proof of current physical residence can I use?
The document must:
- Include the parent’s name.
- Include the parent’s current physical address.
- Match the address listed on the VPK application.
- Not be a Post Office Box.
- Be one of the items listed below:
- Utility bill (electric, gas, water), cable, internet, home or cellular phone bill dated within 12 months of the date the child application is submitted;
- Pay stub dated within 12 months of the date the child application is submitted;
- Residential rental agreement or receipt from rental payment dated within 12 months of the date the child application is submitted;
- Government-issued document (for example, Florida driver’s license, Florida identification card, property tax assessment showing a homestead exemption);
- Military order showing that the child’s parent is a service member in the United States Armed Forces and is assigned to duty in Florida when the child attends the VPK program;
- Federal government order showing that the child’s parent is a federal employee assigned to work in Florida when the child attends the VPK program;
- A Florida Migrant Education Program Certificate of Eligibility (COE) Form from the Florida Department of Education;
- If no supporting documents listed in subparagraphs (2)(b)1.-7., above, are available, a coalition may accept a notarized affidavit from the child’s parent accompanied by a letter from a landlord, property owner, or property leasee which confirms that the child resides at the address shown in the affidavit; or
- If no supporting documents listed in subparagraphs (2)(b)1.-8., above, are available for a child who is experiencing homelessness as defined in Section 1003.01(12), F.S., a coalition shall document residency based on other supporting documents showing that the child who is experiencing homelessness and resides in Florida (for example, but not limited to; letter from a homeless shelter, homeless referral, student residency questionnaire issued by the local school district or notarized statement from the child’s parent).
Applying for Specialized Instructional Services?
Be sure to upload your child’s current IEP from your local school district.