SUBJECT: Integrating Approaches that Prioritize and Enhance Father Engagement. PURPOSE: The purpose of this information memorandum (IM) is to strongly encourage all human service agencies including child welfare agencies, courts, offices of child support enforcement, offices of public assistance, offices of child care, Head Start programs and family and youth services programs to work together […]
Year: 2018
November 15, 2018
ACF-Integrating Approaches that Prioritize and Enhance Father Engagement.

March 20, 2018
ECS Still Celebrating Early Learning Gains
By: Beth Reese Cravey In 1966 the Episcopal Diocese in Jacksonville opened a small child-care center in Springfield for children of low-income, inner-city mothers. That first day, 16 children were enrolled. Fifty-two years later, that one center has evolved into Episcopal Children’s Services, which serves about 59,000 children and their families in 14 counties through […]